Premium Membership Addon (Turbo Website Reviewer)


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~ Premium Membership ~

Start your SEO business where a customer must pay a subscription price to have access to the Turbo Website Reviewer. Using this addon you can earn big money by offering SEO Services.


~ Features ~


Downloadable PDF reports with 50+ statics in one. Almost, 22 pages report with customizable suggestions. (PDF Report Demo)


Multiple Currencies allow you to invoice and bill your customers in as many different currencies as you want.


Tax Support allows both custom taxation rule and country based tax. Even, tax have fixed or percentage rate.


Multiple Payment Gateways Inbuilt PayPal, Stripe & Skrill payment gateway included. You can also integrate other payment system with fully automated payment processing, payment confirmations & refunds.


One Time & Recurring Billing You can perform both one time billing & regular billing cycle. Regular Billing includes Monthly, 3 Months, 6 Months & Yearly Cycles.


Automated Reminders Reminders are sent both before invoice due dates, as well as after in the form of overdue notices chasing up late payments automatically.


Professional Invoices A professional, good-looking invoice that's easy to fill out and present to your clients. Plus invoices are fully customisable via templates.


Automatic Payment Processing Script have ability to process payments automatically with all details recorded. No additional effort to keep track of your payments.


Automated Termination can be set to remove user accounts should they become delinquent for a specified amount of time.


Fraud Prevention Integrated Fraud Checking gives you peace of mind and block all risk orders.


Transactions Logging Each payment received and allows you to see exactly how much you’ve earned today.


Detailed Logs are kept for every action performed by the system and clients. you can review at admin panel.


~ Demo ~


~ Requirements ~

- Turbo Website Reviewer v2.5 (or) Latest Version

~ Change Log ~

Version 1.8
- Added support for latest Turbo Website Reviewer

Version 1.7
- Updated: Mobile friendly checker
- Updated: Safe browser API
- Updated: Social data library
- Updated domain availability library
- Generate PDF bugs
- Updated: Premium Helper Functions

Version 1.6
- Fixed: OAuth issues
- Fixed: Screenshot not working for already cached data
- Fixed: PayPal connection blocking due to no user agent

Version 1.5
- Fixed: Bug on "Subscription Details" Page
- Fixed: Plan Expiry message not cleared after logout
- Fixed: Some minor bugs

Version 1.4
- Added support for Turbo Website Reviewer v2

Version 1.3
- Updated: WHOIS Class

Version 1.2
- Added: Adding new customers from Admin Panel
- Fixed: Image verfication issue
- Fixed: Date bug at report page
- Fixed: Username lowercase issue at Invoice

Version 1.1
- Added: Options to manage "Cached Domains" from Admin Panel
- Added: Generate PDF Report from Admin Panel
- Fixed: PDF Report File Name Bug
- Code clean up

Version 1.0
- Initial release



Note: Make sure you have purchased Turbo Website Reviewer (main script) before purchase this.


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